November 21, 2020, 5pm
This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.

November 21, 2020, 5pm
This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.
Yanyi is a writer and critic. He is the author of the forthcoming Dream of the Divided Field and The Year of Blue Water, winner of the 2018 Yale Series of Younger Poets Prize. He is the recipient of fellowships from Asian American Writers’ Workshop and Poets House. Currently, he is poetry editor at Foundry and giving creative advice at The Reading.
Richard Loranger is a multi-genre writer, performer, musician, visual artist, and author of the collections Sudden Windows, Poems for Teeth, and The Orange Book as well as many chapbooks. He lives in Oakland where he hosts the #we talk and performance series of queer perspectives.
Program support for Artists Space is provided by The Friends of Artists Space, Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, The Cowles Charitable Trust, The Cy Twombly Foundation, The David Teiger Foundation, The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The New York Community Trust, The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation, The Willem de Kooning Foundation, The Danielson Foundation, The Fox Aarons Foundation, Herman Goldman Foundation, The Destina Foundation, The Luce Foundation, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, The Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, VIA Art Fund, Arison Arts Foundation, The Chicago Community Fund, The David Rockefeller Fund, The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, The Jill and Peter Kraus Foundation, The Richard Pousette-Dart Foundation.