October 16, 2021, 5pm
Live at Artists Space and broadcasting here
This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.

October 16, 2021, 5pm
Live at Artists Space and broadcasting here
This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.
Charles Theonia is a poet, teacher, and editor from Brooklyn, where they're working to externalize interior femme landscapes. They are the author of the art book Saw Palmettos, on hormones, community, and the brain-time continuum, and the chapbook Which One Is the Bridge.
Stacy Szymaszek’s books include Emptied of All Ships, Hyperglossia, hart island, Journal of Ugly Sites and Other Journals (Ottoline Prize winner and Lambda nominee), and A Year From Today. Famous Hermits is forthcoming from Archway Editions. She is the recipient of a 2014 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, and a 2019 Foundation for Contemporary Arts grant in poetry. She was the Executive Director of the Poetry Project from 2007 to 2018.