Artists Space

Segue Reading Series: Charles Alexander & Laura Jaramillo

May 11, 2024, 5pm

Saturday, May 11

11 Cortlandt Alley & Online
Broadcasting here

This reading is presented as part of the Segue Reading Series.

Black text overlays a pixelated gradient pattern in various hues of pink and yellow. The text reads: “April 6 / Charles Alexander / Laura Jaramillo.” Text in the bottom left corner reads: “5pm / 11 Cortlandt Alley + Zoom ID: 893 9594 7519 / $5 (all proceeds go to readers)"

Charles Alexander is an artist, poet, and editor/publisher. His books of poetry include Pushing Water, AT the Edge OF the Sea: Pushing Water II, and Time Being. In 2021 he earned the CLMP award for lifetime achievement in literary publishing. He lives in Tucson Arizona.

Laura Jaramillo is a poet and critic. Born to Colombian parents in Queens, New York, she now lives in Durham, North Carolina. Her books include Material Girl and Making Water. She holds a PhD in critical theory from Duke University. She co-runs the North Carolina-based reading and performance series Paradiso.

Artists Space Venue is generously supported by Lonti Ebers, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Allan Schwartzman, David Zwirner, and an anonymous contributor.