Artists Space

Notes on the Anthropocene: "What Must I Do?"
at the End of the World
Stephanie Wakefield, 1882 Woodbine

May 16, 2014, 7pm

Tahrir is everywhere, Tokyo is Fukushima, and this civilization's truth producers have delivered it a terminal diagnosis. Welcome to the Anthropocene, the new geological era in which Man has been named prime mover and prime calamity, standing atop the growing pile of wreckage and able only to imagine an apocalyptic future with no hope of redemption.

Screenshot of an Instagram image posted 18 minutes ago by an account named "tusetamer." The photo depicts an outdoor concrete wall with an air conditioner unit visible in the background. Red text spray painted across the wall reads, "Tayyip / WINTER IS / COMING."
[Screenshot of an Instagram image posted 18 minutes ago by an account named "tusetamer." The photo depicts an outdoor concrete wall with an air conditioner unit visible in the background. Red text spray painted across the wall reads, "Tayyip / WINTER IS / COMING."]

In this threshold age, an undeclared state of war exists whose parameters come not from politics but ethics, not from the intellect but from life. What matters now is not announcing the catastrophe (everyone knows), but the sense we give to it, and how we lend force to emerging sensibilities and forms of life.

1882 Woodbine Street is a workshop, discussion space, and garden in Ridgewood, New York. One piece in a global constellation, it is a post-Sandy and post-Occupy experiment in collective research and organization.
On Fridays, it is a cafe.

Stephanie Wakefield: Notes on the Anthropocene: "What Must I Do?" at the End of the World. Talk documentation, May 16, 2014, 1882 Woodbine. [A woman gives a talk with an image presentation projected on a screen behind her.]