Artists Space


September 6 – October 13, 2001

pur·loin ... 1. Obs: to set aside : render inoperative or ineffectual 2 : to take away for oneself : appropriate wrongfully and under circumstances that invoice a breach of trust : FILCH ~ vi: to practice theft syn see STEAL; pur·loin·er ... one that purloins : THEIF, PILFERER

Curated by Christine Y. Kim
Main Space

Opening Reception
Thursday, September 6, 6:30 - 8:30pm

The works of art presented in Purloined reflect explorations of fraudulence. Whether the artist performs a falsehood or reversal, he/she examines how identities and cultural practices are transgressed, or the objects consist of stolen merchandise or materials obtained through alternative means, each piece addresses a form of manipulation or thievery. The processes of deviance conjure notions of desire, privacy, ownership and materialism in contemporary culture.

The artists featured in the exhibition examines a specific kind of behavior through a slightly different lens. The tone is active, and the variety of works — from photography to video and from sculpture to performance — dynamic. Purloined addresses a shared desire for, and rejection of, manipulation.