Installation view, Robert Morgan. Artists Space, 1977. [Photograph of a framed work on paper. In the work, a figure with back turned to the viewer sinks into a plié. The figure is repeated four times in the work.]
Installation view, Robert Morgan. Artists Space, 1977. [A gallery space with a large circle of decals on the wall on the right. In the far left corner, a projector sits on a pedestal.]
Installation view, Robert Morgan. Artists Space, 1977. [A black-and-white photograph of a gallery space with a video projected on the wall. There appear to be multiple bodies in the video.]
Installation view, Robert Morgan. Artists Space, 1977. [A photograph of a white gallery wall with multiple photographs mounted in a crooked row.]
Installation view, Robert Morgan. Artists Space, 1977. [A black-and-white photograph of a gallery space with multiple works, framed and unframed, on the walls.]