May 19 – August 21, 2021

May 19 – August 21, 2021
A public secret society of rotating membership, including core contributors Adam Khalil, Zack Khalil, and Jackson Polys, New Red Order (NRO) collaborates with informants to create exhibitions, videos, and performances that question and re-channel subjective and material relationships to indigeneity. Orienting their work through the paradoxical conditions of Indigenous experience, NRO explores the contradictions and missteps that embody, in their own words, “the desire for indigeneity in the myths, dreams, and political foundations of the so-called Americas.”
Through modes of entertainment and corporate address, museological display, re-appropriation, and a multiplicity of swerving artistic strategies, they collectively advance understandings of how identity is conveyed and configured within contemporary art practices in order to create a site of acknowledgment that can promote solidarity and shift obstructions to Indigenous growth. For their exhibition at Artists Space, their most comprehensive to date, NRO will further explore the desire for indigeneity via a wide multiplicity of communicative and display strategies spanning advertising and marketing, branding, recruitment and belonging, and other means to “promote Indigenous futures.”
This exhibition is the culmination of a multi-year collaboration between New Red Order and Artists Space that began with our 2017 group show Unholding.
Zack and Adam Khalil are both Ojibway, from northern Michigan, and Jackson Polys, who is Tlingit, is from Alaska. NRO’s work has been the subject of solo exhibitions at Audain Gallery at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada (2021) and MOCAD Detroit, MI (2020), Obsidian Coast, Bradford-on-Avon, UK (2020), and the Toronto Biennial of Art, Toronto, Canada (2019). Group exhibitions include Speculations on the Infrared, EFA Project Space Program, NY (2021) and Unholding, Artists Space, NY (2017). Screenings and Performances include Indigenous Lens: Our Reality, Walker Art Center, MN (2020), Informants Get Paid!, Artists Space, NY (2020) Culture Capture: Terminal Addition, Light Work, NY (2019), Culture Capture: Terminal Addition, 57th New York Film Festival, NY (2019) The Savage Philosophy of Endless Acknowledgement, Whitney Museum, NY (2018), and THE INFORMANTS, Artists Space, NY (2017).
Kate August, Emily Allan, Mitch Anzuoni, Luis Bobadilla, Ashley Byler, Mario A. Caro, Enver Chakartash, Peter Christian, Lou Cornum, Driftnote, Jim Fletcher, Arianna Gil, Ed Halter, Inpatient Press, KITE, Sarah Michelson, Rose Mori, Emmet de Muzio, Laura Ortman, Tony Oursler, Jeremy Pheiffer, Gaile Pranckunaite, Pvssyheaven, Walter Scott, Rezarta Seferi, Bayley Sweitzer, Walker Tate, Virgil B/G Taylor, Kate Valk, Maiingan "iNDiO1763" Wiikwedong, Eric Wrenn
Lead Support for Feel at Home Here is provided by Alexander S.C. Rower & Elan Gentry.
Exhibition support is provided by Forge Project and Marieluise Hessel.
Additional program support for Artists Space is provided by The Friends of Artists Space, Lambent Foundation Fund of Tides Foundation, The Cowles Charitable Trust, The Cy Twombly Foundation, The David Teiger Foundation, The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, The New York Community Trust, The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, The New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, Imperfect Family Foundation, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation, The Willem de Kooning Foundation, The Danielson Foundation, The Fox Aarons Foundation, Herman Goldman Foundation, The Destina Foundation, The Luce Foundation, May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, The Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, VIA Art Fund, Arison Arts Foundation, The Chicago Community Fund, The David Rockefeller Fund, The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, The Jill and Peter Kraus Foundation, The Richard Pousette-Dart Foundation.