Artists Space

Party Wall

March 9 – April 28, 2005

For Party Wall, the young New York-based office nARCHITECTS reconsiders the territorial, thermal, and optical properties of one of the most common architectural elements, the wall.

A digital rendering of a large structure composed of suspended sheets of red material installed in a gray room. The red sheets are stacked on top of one another, suspended from lengths of wire that run from ceiling to floor. The sheets bend amorphously and are arranged such that they resemble irregular layers of sedimentary rock or strata. Three digitally-rendered figures observe the structure.
[A digital rendering of a large structure composed of suspended sheets of red material installed in a gray room. The red sheets are stacked on top of one another, suspended from lengths of wire that run from ceiling to floor. The sheets bend amorphously and are arranged such that they resemble irregular layers of sedimentary rock or strata. Three digitally-rendered figures observe the structure.]

Allowing gallery-goers, or neighbors, to activate the oppositional forces between a wall as means of separation and as an instigator of exchange, nARCHITECTS’ playful and dynamic intervention collapses the functions of insulation and traversal into a constantly changing object.

Design/fabrication by nARCHITECTS. Interactive design by Parul Vora and Jeff Weber.

Party Wall is supported, in part, by Elise Jaffe and Jeffrey Brown.