J.B. Cobb, Optical, 1973. From J.B. Cobb, Martha Edelheit, Ree Morton, Artists Space, 1973. [A black and white photograph of a television set upon a wooden side table in front of a window in a gallery space.]
J.B. Cobb, Martha Edelheit, Ree Morton. Installation view, Artists Space, 1973. [A color installation photograph of a gallery space with several framed objects hanging on the wall, and a sculpture of a green parkscape on white stilts in the middle.]
Opening reception for J.B. Cobb, Martha Edelheit, Ree Morton, Artists Space, 1973 [A black and white photograph of a gallery with paintinfs on the wll and several figures milling and chatting.]
Installation view from J.B. Cobb, Martha Edelheit, Ree Morton, Artists Space, 1973. [A black and white photograph of a gallery space. A painting of nude reclining women hangs on the left, and a figure in a suit and tie looks on from the right.]