September 10 – November 9, 2024
Artists Space is pleased to present fwiw, the second New York institutional solo exhibition to foreground the dynamic and groundbreaking work of Constantina Zavitsanos.

A wish is a well. A well is a productive wound in the Earth, a spring, an abundance. A gathering round groundwater. A coin has many values, and devalues. A wish is invaluable. For what it’s worth, here’s my two cents: I am still alive.
Constantina Zavitsanos works in sculpture, performance, text, and sound and deals in debt, dependency, and other shared resources. Zavitsanos uses the material processes and concepts of superposition, interference, occlusion, and transduction to blur sensing and feeling, knowing and seeing, contiguous and noncontiguous touch.
Fwiw stays in study with perception and poetics across new experiments in haptics, demonstration, and description that privilege the material presence of sound, text, and fleeting image.