March 20 – May 1, 2021
Emerging on the Northern Hemisphere’s vernal equinox, the works comprising The x in florxal is silent when spoken center the marginalia and material traces of ongoing research inspired by language, machine aesthetics, documentation, systems analysis, radical education, investigative performance art, and Blackness. Functioning as a prologue to Greaves’ The Florxal Review, they augment and emerge from her spacious investigative praxis of ethnobotanical literary criticism in the forms of daily drawings, annotated photographs, collages, and site-specific installations. Greaves asks: “What becomes possible when we begin to center and attempt responses to the slow and silent, active and occluded voices and spirits of the plant life we live alongside? How might what emerges on the page, in our minds, from our mouths, and out of our hearts parallel what we already know? In the futures that follow, what might verdancy feel like to all of Earth’s beings (and to all of cosmos’s material and immaterial bodies) when so-called weeds are on the mantle as well as in the crevices?”
The artist would like to acknowledge the Rauschenberg Residency, where one of the works in this exhibition was printed.