September 23 – October 28, 1978

September 23 – October 28, 1978
In September of 1978, curator Janelle Reiring invited Louise Lawler, Christopher D’Arcangelo, Adrian Piper, and Cindy Sherman to participate in a group show at Artists Space. In making her selection, Reiring drew the association between these artists in that “their work addresse[d] the issue of how art is presented and, in turn, how it is seen.” The participants in this exhibition directed their attention to the power relations and institutional obligations that governed a non-profit, alternative arts organization such as Artists Space. Through gestures of withdrawal, appropriation, and direct address, Lawler, D’Arcangelo, Piper, and Sherman each reflected these concerns back onto the role of the viewer. Their collaborative project echoed a shared sentiment among young artists and critics of their generation who were intent on uprooting an almost panoptic criterion of taste and display.